
Why Canny Scout?

"Its a blog about thrift stores... I don't get the name. Ok, maybe the scout part. You're 'scouting' out different store for us, but canny? Wouldn't it just be easier to call yourself the thrifty scout? What the chickens does canny even mean?!"
Something like that going thru your mind? Ha, thought so. Here, maybe this can help.

Definition of can·ny [kan-ee] Show IPA adjective, can·ni·er, can·ni·est, adverb.

1.careful; cautious; prudent: a canny reply.
2.astute; shrewd; knowing; sagacious: a canny negotiator.
3.skilled; expert.
4.frugal; thrifty: a canny housewife.

Main Entry: clever
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: bright, ingenious
Synonyms: able, adept, adroit, alert, apt, astute, brainy, brilliant, cagey, canny, capable, competent, crackerjack*, cunning, deep, dexterous/dextrous, discerning, egghead, expert, foxy*, gifted, good, handy, intelligent, inventive, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, many-sided, nimble, nobody's fool, pretty, pro, qualified, quick, quick on trigger, quick-witted, rational, resourceful, sagacious, savvy, sensible, sharp, shrewd, skilled, skillful, slick, sly, smart, sprightly, talented, versatile, wise, witty 
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: economical
Synonyms: canny, careful, chary, cheap, chintzy, close*, close-fisted, conserving, frugal, mean, parsimonious, penny-pinching, preserving, provident, prudent, saving, scrimpy, sparing, steal, stingy*, tight*, unwasteful      
I kept searching for a word that best combined the thought of being thrifty, smart. And because this word is a little old fashion, I thought it was the perfect choice :) 

Ivana's Trunk. Mequon rd

If you don't know already, I love vintage stores. I love looking through items of the past. They're special, unique. They have stories. Something stylish or simple or well made. And so many times, there are personal touches on an item if you look hard enough and its kind of like being let in on a secret. One time I found an old autograph book @ a store, fabric cover-faded design. It had clearly been owned and used, but there were no autographs in it...until I got the the last page. Whoever owned this book, their friend signed the last page just so they could always be the last person to be in that book. And the date was from the 50's. I loved it, it had to be mine. I brought it home and had all my friends sign it :) 
So all that being said, I hope you understand how I truly feel about Ivana's Trunk when I say, this is hands down, my most favorite place to go. Like the site says, its antique, consignment, estate clean out and such. A huge warehouse, crammed full of anything and everything that you could ever find in a house. If you go there, plan to be there for at least an hour if you are really going to look around. You can find some real treasures here. The main store is an open warehouse, with plenty to see, but don't forget to go in back! There is maybe an old 'employee area' with more items. But keep going, tucked away are 2 more little rooms... and don't forget to go around that corner by the stairs, there's more stuff back there too! Here's some of the things I'v found. 

I bought this old pin cushion there when I first started sewing, you're not going to find that @ JoAnn's!

Another time, I found that sewing machine. Clearly this was a little girls toy, but so well made. Look how good the paint still looks. The machine was metal, not plastic, and it still worked! 

On a regular basis I see vintage chess sets, dressers, desks, curio's, chandeliers, couches, paintings, old furs,etc. They have a monumental amount of old costume jewelry that I love sifting through. Most of the furniture I want to bring home, but I can't, I generally don't have a couple $$ on sitting around(darn). This store is priced for vintage and estate sales. They know what their product is worth, so don't go there hoping to snag a Mercedes for the price of a Kia, if you know what I mean. But they do put product on sale. I believe for every month an item is there, is discounted 10%, up to 50% off. I'm sure there are exceptions, but keep an eye on the dates of price tags and ask if you have questions. The ladies that work there are very nice and helpful. Sometimes they chat, but most of the time they leave you to your wandering. Like I said, this is my most favorite place to go. If I'm having a bad day, or driving by, I always go there. Sometimes I buy something, most days I don't. But its always worth my time. So if you're like me, you should stop by Ivana's, I'm sure it will be worth your time too :)

(262) 238-1966

Monday-Friday: 10am-5:30pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: 12-4pm



Dragonfly on Brady 1.6.13 w/ Heather.

The store held ALOT of promise when walking up. The 2 display windows that framed the door were crammed with all kinds of oddities from back in the day. One of the female mannequins had on an old green pantsuit that I could have pictured Mary Tyler Moore wearing. Inside was cozy and cluttered with more trinkets. To my right were little niches of kitchen gadgets, men's clothing, women's clothing, etc. In front of me were old desks and dressers stacked with glassware and nicknacks. To the left was the start of jewelry, as well as some religious items. One thing I noticed was that they didn't just sell vintage items. Amongst the old punch-bowls and costume jewelry were homemade folksy candles, cards, charms, jewelry, scarves, posters etc. The store was arranged very nicely. While it was a small space, and there are alot of items, they did a great job of displaying everything well and not making it feel messy inside. Towards the back there was a 'kids' corner with old kids toys. I found an original rubix cube in its original box! Only $5, snatched that up for my hubby :) I ended up finding the feathered headpiece pictured for myself. There were so many vintage hats, but that one called my name. Prices were a little more than I prefer to see, but not terrible.
Verdict? Overall good find. Didn't like the new stuff mingled in, those items made it feel a little to much like a hippie's head shop (and there's enough of those on the east side). If a store says vintage, it should be just that. But the vintage they had more than made up for it. I wouldn't go there on a regular basis to buy things, but I would go to dig around again.

On the phone: 414.271.1244

Via email: contact@dflymke.com

Monday 11-6:30
Tuesday Hours may vary, so call first
Wednesday – Friday 11- 6:30
Saturday 11-6
Sunday 12-5

Hello all!

Not too long ago, on a website not far away, I was lamenting how few thrift stores I really go to, even though I LOVE them. There are so many different thrift stores in our area that I haven't been to simply because I didn't know they existed. Having a central location where we could share opinions about different stores we go to would be so convenient! Then someone came up with the even better idea of creating a blog. So here we are. Me and a couple gals will be posting our own reviews of 2nd hand stores we go to in the area for all of you to enjoy. Happy hunting :)