
Why Canny Scout?

"Its a blog about thrift stores... I don't get the name. Ok, maybe the scout part. You're 'scouting' out different store for us, but canny? Wouldn't it just be easier to call yourself the thrifty scout? What the chickens does canny even mean?!"
Something like that going thru your mind? Ha, thought so. Here, maybe this can help.

Definition of can·ny [kan-ee] Show IPA adjective, can·ni·er, can·ni·est, adverb.

1.careful; cautious; prudent: a canny reply.
2.astute; shrewd; knowing; sagacious: a canny negotiator.
3.skilled; expert.
4.frugal; thrifty: a canny housewife.

Main Entry: clever
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: bright, ingenious
Synonyms: able, adept, adroit, alert, apt, astute, brainy, brilliant, cagey, canny, capable, competent, crackerjack*, cunning, deep, dexterous/dextrous, discerning, egghead, expert, foxy*, gifted, good, handy, intelligent, inventive, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, many-sided, nimble, nobody's fool, pretty, pro, qualified, quick, quick on trigger, quick-witted, rational, resourceful, sagacious, savvy, sensible, sharp, shrewd, skilled, skillful, slick, sly, smart, sprightly, talented, versatile, wise, witty 
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: economical
Synonyms: canny, careful, chary, cheap, chintzy, close*, close-fisted, conserving, frugal, mean, parsimonious, penny-pinching, preserving, provident, prudent, saving, scrimpy, sparing, steal, stingy*, tight*, unwasteful      
I kept searching for a word that best combined the thought of being thrifty, smart. And because this word is a little old fashion, I thought it was the perfect choice :) 

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